Transitioning from a linear to a circular food economy stands as a pivotal solution to address the pressing problem of food waste. This collaborative endeavor holds promise not only in mitigating environmental challenges but also in enhancing food security, fostering economic growth, and paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future.Continue Reading

The Stripper Index, named for how it relates the revenue generated by strippers’ cash tips to the financial strain of consumers and the current economic cycle, though it encompasses all forms of sexual labor, has been mostly a joke to economists as they continue to explore different methods of predicting the economy. However, when X user and stripper @botticellibimbo correctly predicted the economic decline in 2022 based on her recent profits at work, economists began to examine the Stripper Index more closely.Continue Reading

While the Nordic model may not be completely suitable for other countries, or even sustainable in the long-term, it can still inform our understanding of how other regions around the world can be improved. Key ingredients for its success thus far, such as social cohesion and low levels of inequality, are phenomena to study, and potentially emulate, that could benefit individuals worldwide.Continue Reading

Macroeconomic theory suggests that without any outside intervention, the macroeconomy will self-adjust and return to its long-run state after short-term shocks. The decision for policymakers thus boils down to a cost-benefit analysis taking into account factors like intertemporality and risk tolerance — they can either wait and allow the economy to adjust organically, or sink resources into actively trying to stabilize the economy, taking on the risk of further destabilizing it.Continue Reading

It seems that even in a bearish economy, there is still more money chasing innovation driven by limited, bright minds. Perhaps that might not come as a surprise. There are hundreds of different parts of aging that need to be better understood, and every few weeks, a discovery revolutionizes various fields of research and methodologies.Continue Reading