The Citizens United Ruling fuels income inequality and stagnating wages in America because corporations have more influence in politics than voters. When corporations have more power, they focus on profit maximization and returns to investors, silencing the voices of the people in need of higher wages. To create a positive change for the middle and lower classes of America, the Citizens United Ruling could be removed, but there would need to be more changes to quickly support those facing financial distress. Discover a new rule that could foster an economic system where not only the elite enjoy the prosperity of America’s large, growing economy. Continue Reading

The term sustainable has been growing exponentially in the fashion industry as consumers become more conscious of how their clothes are made. This article won’t focus on all of the environmental damage caused by the textile and fashion industry but will rather focus on what individual consumers can do to improve their own shopping habits from the bottom up.Continue Reading

As the United States attempts to build back the economy in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, debate over raising the federal minimum wage rages in Congress. What will this measure cost us? How much will it help? We explore this and more in the following article as we make the case for why we need a $15 federal minimum wage.Continue Reading