Author: Yarden Pri-Noy, Graphics: Erika Hayashida BRBottomline: On-demand streaming is transforming the film industry. Learn how this transition affects consumers, producers, and investors. Introduction Movie budgets have become insane. Large production companies pour obscene amounts of money into movies, hoping to profit from box office sales. Star Wars: The ForceContinue Reading

Transitioning from a linear to a circular food economy stands as a pivotal solution to address the pressing problem of food waste. This collaborative endeavor holds promise not only in mitigating environmental challenges but also in enhancing food security, fostering economic growth, and paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future.Continue Reading

The Stripper Index, named for how it relates the revenue generated by strippers’ cash tips to the financial strain of consumers and the current economic cycle, though it encompasses all forms of sexual labor, has been mostly a joke to economists as they continue to explore different methods of predicting the economy. However, when X user and stripper @botticellibimbo correctly predicted the economic decline in 2022 based on her recent profits at work, economists began to examine the Stripper Index more closely.Continue Reading

Regardless of the benefits and drawbacks of fast fashion, it is important that we start living sustainably and use the right ingredients to make our clothing. The path we are on now will have long-term negative effects on the earth’s resources, resulting in waste in underdeveloped areas of the world, as well as other profound negative consequences.Continue Reading