Author: Allie Adajar, Graphics: Jennie Wang The BRB Bottomline: Movie theaters are set to make a major comeback as the leading source of entertainment in the movie industry amidst rising streaming service costs. Mickey Mouse was envisioned for the big silver screen. Now, audiences are opting for movie nights inContinue Reading

Whether you thrift, purchase name brands, or buy from fast fashion companies, there are significant benefits and drawbacks to different modes of shopping that should be considered in your future fashion endeavors. Through an exploration of these different modes, this article aims to assist you (presumably a busy college kid) in spending smarter on clothes.Continue Reading

Despite the political backlash and uncertainty for the macroeconomy brought upon by their plan, the Biden Administration remains steadfast in its argument that it is a vital step for Americans in the ultimate goal of solving the student debt crisis. Moreover, they believe it to be an efficient and sustainable solution — they maintain that because of the high default rates for student loans, the actual cost of the debt forgiveness plan will be lower than the theoretical expectation; however, the specifics of that value have proven to be difficult to calculate. Continue Reading

The conflict between Elon Musk and Twitter began when Tesla’s CEO questioned the “freedom of speech” value Twitter is supporting. He brought the issue onto Twitter platform by playing the people versus the system game. As the last resort of defense, Twitter announces its initiation of a poison pill tactic to prevent the hostile action. Like any war, this one also split the observers into two sides. One supports freedom of speech all the way and the other believes a little limitation is justifiable.Continue Reading

The idea of a free market ideology is being questioned as The White House ordered a “whole government approach” regulating activities towards the cryptocurrency market. Many U.S. crypto users believe that it will strengthen the financial market in general, and the digital economy in particular. Yet, others believe it puts a limit on technological advancement of the country.Continue Reading

The COVID-19 has, unequivocally, triggered a global crisis comparable in size to historical precedents such as the Great Recession of 2008. While the two may be similar in their ramifications, the current crisis differs significantly from the 2008 crisis. This article discusses noteworthy insights for policymakers and investors alike. Continue Reading

Credit cards have the potential to add extra value to everyday expenditures, with very little effort on the part of the cardholder. By spending within your means and paying off your card each month, it’s extremely easy to get a kickback from every single purchase without any negative effects. Continue Reading