Rose is a freshman at Berkeley from Taipei, intending to study Legal Studies/Philosophy. She pursues a global perspective as she studied Art and Design at both ArtCenter and in London during two different summers of her life. She also traveled to Athens for the World Scholar’s Cup and Hong Kong for an Economics course. She has been to 13 countries and aspires to increase that number. Other than BRB, Rose is a model for the FAST fashion show and a contributor to CLAM Magazine. In her spare time, she writes creatively, paints, bakes, and works out to her favorite songs. She cleans to destress, which is why she has been compared to Monica from Friends on several occasions.
Jenny is a freshman majoring in Architecture with a minor in Computer Science. As an aspiring UI/UX designer, she believes her background in architecture helps her see the relationship between creators and users, and she is keen to apply that to business related fields. She hopes to help promote BRB to the school community through good design, as well as hone her own skills. In her (limited) free time, Jenny figure skates and dances. Her favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes.
Jessie is a Bay Area native and a first year student at UC Berkeley majoring in English and Media Studies. She is passionate about visual design, art, and photography, and is also a designer for The B-Side, Berkeley’s premiere music magazine. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and writing weird poetry. She is very fond of science fiction, smooth ink pens, small sunglasses, and Starr, her 11-year-old Australian Cattle Dog mix.
Sana Imran is a freshman at UC Berkeley intending a major in Business Administration with a minor in Bioengineering. She hopes to expand her knowledge in business through BRB, while also encouraging financial literacy on campus as well. She has a strong passion for graphic design and digital media, as well as in leadership and service. Outside of BRB, she is advocate for social justice and serves for equitable student development in the ASUC. When she isn’t studying, you can find Sana immersed in photography, going on hikes, travelling, or watching Netflix.
Yashi is a freshman at the University of California, Berkeley intending to major in MCB and Business Administration. She is an avid reader, a photographer in the lowest of keys, politically involved, and constantly curious about a variety of random topics. Her interest in subject matters ranging from the stock market to stem cell therapies, is what drove her to join BRB. She hopes to grow as a graphic designer as well as gain a better understanding of business. When she is not making graphics for BRB, you can find her reading random articles, binge watching Hasan Minhaj videos, or taking candid photos of her friends.
We are a student group acting independently of the University of California. All information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. Business Review at Berkeley does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and/or accuracy of this information. The Editorials section features views of the individual authors and do not reflect the position of our organization as a whole or of the greater UC Berkeley community. No article or portion of an article should be construed as providing financial, legal, or political advice. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website is strictly at your own risk. Business Review at Berkeley will not be liable for any losses and/or damages in connection with the use of our website.
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