All. In. House.

Our Editor-in-Chief oversees the brainstorming process and is in constant back-and-forth with Senior Columnists who manage their respective columns and columnists. The Publishing Director is responsible for content workflow, publishing churn, and site design. Our Graphics Director manages our graphic design team and seeks to capture the originality in our articles while maintaining high quality standards. Our Marketing Director shares BRB’s ideas and stories with the world through the hard work of our marketing team. And, our VPs of Internal and External are in charge of fostering community engagement within the club and campus communities. Knowledge,

Our Columns!

We have four main columns!

  1. Community focuses on events around our local community and issues that may not directly tie into business on first glance, but do have an impact on the financial world and our lives as well!
  2. Economics which has now merged with our legacy column, Investing, covers all the world news, economic shake-ups, investing advice, and more!
  3. Financial Literacy is all about helping you understand the complicated aspects and news in the business world, and giving you insights into different ways that you might be able to take advantage of our rapidly-changing global business landscape.
  4. Last but not least is our newest column Technology, which focuses on delivering updates and insights into the hottest and ever-evolving field of software, hardware, and all things related!
  5. Additionally we have our wonderful BRlurB, a weekly update column dedicated to pertinent global news and predictions on the market for the next week. Quick summaries and fast updates are the crux of this recent addition to BRB’s arsenal of columns!