Due to the continued effects of the chip shortage, both consumers and companies are taking the burden of supply issues and hiked prices, while silicon chip manufacturers are benefiting greatly. Consumers are forced to pay higher prices for the limited supply of chip-goods available as businesses struggle to maintain similar profit-margins as before the shortages began.Continue Reading

Today, inequity exists in many forms: opportunities, income, and treatment – to name a few. However, with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new form of inequity has emerged: vaccine inequity. This article explores the issue of vaccine inequity and one of its root causes, vaccine nationalization – all through the lens of candies. Continue Reading

The film Nomadland reveals very real problems concerning how policymakers and corporations exploit seasonal workers, specifically elderly gig economy employees. Although temporary employment may be attractive for companies such as Amazon, policy that targets a reduction in elderly poverty would help prevent aging Americans from converting to a tumultuous nomadic lifestyle, where they face low salaries and poor treatment.Continue Reading

The Citizens United Ruling fuels income inequality and stagnating wages in America because corporations have more influence in politics than voters. When corporations have more power, they focus on profit maximization and returns to investors, silencing the voices of the people in need of higher wages. To create a positive change for the middle and lower classes of America, the Citizens United Ruling could be removed, but there would need to be more changes to quickly support those facing financial distress. Discover a new rule that could foster an economic system where not only the elite enjoy the prosperity of America’s large, growing economy. Continue Reading

While the COVID-19 pandemic has posed difficulties globally, menstruators and young girls in sub-Saharan Africa have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic due to period poverty. Sub-Saharan Africa’s financial struggles during the pandemic, which have exacerbated period poverty, is a threat to women’s healthcare, mental well-being, gender equity, and autonomy.Continue Reading