Elections and Rejections: All Eyes on The United States Following a Turbulent October Authors: Andrés Larios, Venus Dhanda, Faith Spalding Editors: Venus Dhanda, Sydney Sibrian, Faith Spalding Intro:  Welcome to the Weekly BluRB, a newsletter catered to students and professionals to get the latest news and insights on global markets.Continue Reading

Author: Venus Dhanda, Graphics: Anna Szymoniak The BRB Bottomline: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), established in 2010, has worked to regulate U.S. markets for over a decade, protecting consumers from risky and predatory lending practices. The Community Financial Association (CFSA), fighting for forms of financial regulation, has taken issueContinue Reading

The Stripper Index, named for how it relates the revenue generated by strippers’ cash tips to the financial strain of consumers and the current economic cycle, though it encompasses all forms of sexual labor, has been mostly a joke to economists as they continue to explore different methods of predicting the economy. However, when X user and stripper @botticellibimbo correctly predicted the economic decline in 2022 based on her recent profits at work, economists began to examine the Stripper Index more closely.Continue Reading