Credit cards have the potential to add extra value to everyday expenditures, with very little effort on the part of the cardholder. By spending within your means and paying off your card each month, it’s extremely easy to get a kickback from every single purchase without any negative effects. Continue Reading

True crime is not a new phenomenon. In the 19th century, people would buy tickets to view public hangings, and in the 90s, more than 50 percent of the country sat down to watch the infamous trial of O.J. Simpson. Americans have an obsession with true crime, and this has greatly influenced the film and tourism industries.Continue Reading

Recently, Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, recorded an all-time high price of $4,840, surpassing the $4,800 mark for the first time ever. Other popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Litecoin, surged as well, extending their gains during what has been a bullish few months for the cryptocurrency market. In the following article, senior investing columnist Robert Liu takes a closer look at Ethereum and investigates the factors that have caused it to skyrocket. Continue Reading

Last year, Google-owned DeepMind solved the decades-long protein folding problem with an elegant AI approach, fundamentally improving our understanding of our own biology. In this article, Community columnist Aditi Somayajula explains the science behind DeepMind’s solution and explores how big tech is likely to become the new big pharma. Continue Reading

Texas has attacked women’s reproductive rights with the passage of Senate Bill 8, the strictest anti-abortion law in the country. In the following article, Community columnist Amalia Nichols, a Texas native, investigates the extensive impacts this bill will have on business, the economy, and women, who are essential to both former points.Continue Reading

Squid Game’s rise to fame has had fans eager for more Netflix Originals. A Korean wave spurred by the show has brought similar K-Dramas and movies to the screens of international subscribers. In this article, Eugene Jang explores the foundations of such originals and the disruptive nature of streaming services on the larger film industry.Continue Reading